In this post, I will share the story of the person I love the most. It’s time to share my mother’s story. My mother has never shown her feelings in front of me. However, hearing her story helped me realize how actually she felt and how long it took her to accept my life with diabetes. And I am sure, that most of you whose children have diabetes will definitely understand her.
The story of my mother
“The fact that my child has diabetes, for me, was a shock, disbelief, and feeling that it was just a bad dream from which I will wake up and everything will disappear. Personally, as a mother, I didn’t want to accept the new situation. It took me a while to realize that this is a reality that people have to accept and live normally with.
Being educated about diabetes was the best way to help her live her childhood normally. At first, we were trying to find ways, especially for me as a mother, to overcome this disease. We were giving her to drink various teas. Moreover, we were taking her on bioenergy. And even I believed that the miracle will happen during puberty and everything will disappear.
But I must say that it only negatively affected all of us, especially Tanja. All the expectations ended up unsuccessfully and made us feel more desperate. The first week after we came back home from the hospital, I couldn’t make any meals for her. The fear that I will prepare food that it may increase her blood glucose level, made me feel depressed and I was throwing the meals away.

Although I thought we will no longer be able to go in the winter and summer holidays, the following winter we went on a holiday together and we had a great time. After that, we continue going on summer and winter vacations with our friends and relatives. In order to join her friends on excursions, at the age of 9, Tanja began monitoring her blood glucose level on a regular basis and injecting insulin by herself. When she was traveling alone, we were concerned about her diabetes control but she was a responsible child which was the reason why she matured faster.
When we finally decided to stop looking for alternative solutions and continue to live our lives normally, Tanja’s blood glucose level was much better and she was happier.
Now, Tanja is a lovely girl who is on a Chrono diet, because it keeps her blood glucose level stable.
My advice is to accept your child’s condition and not to waste money on seeking solutions that don’t exist. When someone expects a miracle to happen, the blood glucose level increases. If the blood glucose level is higher than normal, the body is damaged. Over time, high blood glucose levels can cause all the scary complications associated with diabetes. That’s why it’s better to accept the situation and help your child accept life with diabetes.”