When I started writing my blog, I have never thought that I would become a motivation for many people. But that’s what happened. One day Mihaela Anastasovska, a lovely girl, wrote to me. She has been leaving with type 1 diabetes for a year. She confessed to me that my blog helped me to accept herself and her life with diabetes. Now she is ready to share her life with type 1 diabetes. Furthermore, she is ready to help many other people to accept their life with diabetes.

Her life with type 1 diabetes
“I was only 16 when I discovered that I had diabetes. Yes, like every person, so I asked the question “Why me?”. In the first few months, I thought of diabetes as a punishment. However, now after a year and a half, I am happy to have diabetes. When I say I’m happy, I think on the positive side that diabetes gives me.
The moment when she accepted her life with diabetes
First of all, I am grateful that I learned to put myself in the first place. Moreover, now I know that I have to care for my health, to eat healthy food and to play sports. I realized that what you put through your mouth, you should expect from the body. When they took me to the hospital, my blood sugar level was 31.3 mmol / l. At first, I said, “I will not eat sweets, donuts and my blood sugar will return to normal as it was before”. But it does not. Yes, it returned to normal, injecting insulin 4 times day and eat healthy food. Look, I was a big addict on the sweets, but the desire to see a good result automatically drives you to eat healthily. Every morning, as you have to wash your teeth and face, I also need to measure my blood sugar level.

But one thing is most important – diabetes should not be seen as a disease, because for whatever happens, there is a reason, either sooner or later, we will see the same reason.”