Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, is when blood sugar decreases to below normal levels. If you have diabetes, you try your best to keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. However, most people with diabetes will experience hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, at some point. It is very important to know the tips for preventing and treating hypoglycemia.

Although hypoglycemia is fairly common and can be treated quickly, it’s important to prepare for this medical emergency and know how to act right away. Without immediate treatment, hypoglycemia can be dangerous for people with diabetes. The good news? We can treat hypoglycemia easily with a little planning.
We, people with diabetes, face with hypoglycemia almost every day and we know that the feeling is awful. But also, it is important to know how to react in those situations.
Mihaela Anastasovska, an 18th-year-old girl, shares her tips about how to prevent hypoglycemia.
Tips for preventing and treating hypoglycemia:
Here are her keys to managing hypoglycemia:
First of all, don’t panic and stay calm. Consume 15-20 grams of glucose or simple carbohydrates. (15-20 grams glucose is equal to 1 tablespoon sugar). Recheck your blood glucose after 10-15 min. If hypoglycemia continues, repeat. Once blood glucose returns to normal, eat a small snack if your next planned meal is more than an hour or two away.
The signs of hypoglycemia are: shaking your hands and legs; quick heartbeat; no energy; when suddenly a cold sweat swings you. And yes, don’t forget always to take with you a few sugars because you don’t know when and where hypoglycemia may occur.
If you are experiencing low blood glucose and you’re not sure why, bring a record of blood glucose, insulin, exercise, and food data to a health care provider. Finally, together, you can review all your data to figure out the cause of the lows.