Diabetes is not scary at all. The moment when doctors diagnosed me with diabetes was a big shock for me. All I remember was that I couldn’t understand what was going on. I just knew that I can’t eat sweets and that I have to inject insulin every day. That was the main difference between me and the other people.

The moment when my perception of diabetes has changed
Although it took me almost a year, my perception of diabetes has changed. The following summer, with my family we went on holiday to Greece. One afternoon, while I was in the sea, an elderly man sat beside me. At first glance, he looked normal. However, I noticed that something was wrong with his right leg. Suddenly, he pulled out his plastic leg. Next, I noticed that half of his leg was missing. I looked at my feet and I looked at his right leg again. I thought that I have two legs and I can easily walk, run, and jump. He didn´t have the freedom to walk as I did. That was the moment I understood that diabetes is not as scary as l thought it was. Moreover, I realized that there are many other more serious problems that people are facing.
Life with diabetes is not scary at all. On the contrary, if you have regular blood glucose control and if you inject your insulin therapy, you will have a normal life. As a result, we have to stop, take a moment and think that there that many other people without feet, hands, and other problems. No matter what kind of problems they are facing, they are still trying to find the positive meaning of life. We have to do the same. e have to accept it, be happy and try to enjoy every chance life gives to us.