Today we can find a large number of short-acting insulin used in different combinations. Each of them is similar, but it also has some details of itself inherent. In order to better understand the functioning of the insulin in the body and determine the required dose, it is necessary to know some details. For example, the period of action, what type of drug, and how to protect the insulin we use.
These are fast-acting insulin (10-20 minutes from injections) as well as short-acting (3-5 hours). People with diabetes use them before or after meals to cover the effect of food on blood sugar levels. Today I am going to explain more about the short-acting insulins:
- The fact begins 15 minutes after injection;
- The most severe effect is from 1-3 hours and stops with the effect of 3-5 hours after injection;
- A person should keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. When a person opens it, it can use it for 28 days and keep it at room temperature;
- A person with diabetes should use it with long-acting insulins to cover the period when NovoRapid does not work.
- A person should inject this type of insulin 30 minutes before meals;
- It starts with effect from 30 to 60 minutes after injection
- The most powerful effect is 2-4 hours and up to 8 hours after injecting;
- A person should store it at 2-8 ° C, after opening at room temperature for 28 days;
- This type of insulin a person should use with long-acting insulins to cover the period of the night when Actrapid does not work.
- A person should inject 15 minutes before a meal or just before a meal;
- It starts with effect after 15 minutes after injection;
- The most effective action is 1 hour and runs 2-4 hours after injection;
- A person should keep it in the refrigerator after opening 28 days at room temperature;
- A person should use it in combination with long-acting insulin to cover the period in which Humalog does not work.
- It is injected immediately before or after meals;
- It starts with effect 5-10 minutes after injection;
- The strongest effect is 1-3 hours and it is 3-5 hours after injecting;
- It is stored in the refrigerator and after opening for 28 days at room temperature;
- It is mainly used in combination with long-acting insulins to cover the period in which NovoLog ends the action.
- It starts with an effect 15 minutes after injection;
- The worst effect is 1 hour and works 2-4 hours after injection;
- Store in a refrigerator and when not in use at temperatures higher than 37 ° C;
- A person should use in combination with long-acting insulins to cover the period when Apidra has no effect.